Hanging Baskets
We arrange for hanging baskets to be positioned throughout the village every summer, funded in part by sponsorship from local businesses and individuals, with the remainder being paid for through funds raised at the Gala.
This year brought us some problems with the permits we need in order to use the lampposts, and left more than a little doubt if we would be able to organise them. However, Councillor Matthew Morley worked very hard on our behalf and helped to sort it out. Our many thanks go to him.👏
Many of our existing individual/family sponsors use the basket as an opportunity to remember loved ones, whilst local businesses use them to advertise their name - and get a mention on our Facebook page and in the Sponsor list below. The baskets are generally on display from June through to the end of September (and often a little either side), so that's 122 days, fully maintained and watered. At a cost of £105.00 (reusable plaques a further £5 for new sponsors, first year only), that's 86p per day! A small price to pay for all the joy that they bring.😊
Thank you to our Sponsors!
We would like to give a big heartfelt thank you to all our sponsors for this and last year's hanging baskets.
This year's sponsor details can be found below:
Quick links: Business & Organisation Sponsors Individual & Family Sponsors Notes for Sponsors
Business & Organisation Sponsors
Thank you to the following businesses & organisations who have very kindly sponsored hanging baskets:
Iron Leaf Fitness with Nicola Sinclair
07715447455 https://m.facebook.com/p/Iron-Leaf-Fitness-with-Nicola-Sinclair-100095089624943/
S.D.W. Plumbing 2 North Road Terrace, Wakefield, WF1 3PY
01924 298892 https://www.sdwltdplumbing.co.uk/
Arthur Bell Funeral Directors 67 Lake Lock Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4HP
01924 822281 https://www.funeraldirectorwakefield.co.uk/
J & M Laundry Services 70 Lake Lock Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4HS
01924 824248 https://jocarstafford.wixsite.com/jmlaundry
Stanley Rodillians RUFC Lee Moor Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4EF
01924 823619 https://stanleyrodilliansrufc.rfu.club/
Wakefield Owls Junior Football Club Lee Moor Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4EF
wakefieldowls@gmail.com https://www.wakefieldowls.co.uk/
Amirah Spice, Indian Takeaway 549 Aberford Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4AH
01924 827222 https://amirahspice.co.uk/
The Travellers Inn 12 Lake Lock Rd, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4HZ
01924 828908
St Peter’s Church Lake Lock Road
01924 835746 https://www.stpeters-stanley.org.uk/
Gledhill’s Butchers 76 Lake Lock Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4HS
01924 823102 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100062139465961
Martin’s Fish Shop Lake Lock Road Fisheries, 59 Lake Lock Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4HP
01924 823321
Family Shopper, Stanley Local 186 Rook's Nest Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4DW
William Lamb Group Ltd Bottom Boat Road, Stanley, Wakefield, WF3 4AY
01924 820282 https://williamlambgroup.com/
Moorhouse Action Group
Sponsoring 4 x Baskets
Unite Union
Sponsoring 5 x Baskets https://www.unitetheunion.org/
The remaining baskets are sponsored by Stanley Residents’ Group
With funds raised by the community, for the community.
Links to websites and social media are not the responsibility of or in any way affiliated with Stanley Residents' Group
Individuals & Family Sponsors
Thank you to the following individuals and families who have very kindly sponsored hanging baskets:
Alice Lane - In Loving Memory of Reverend Peter Lane (30/4/1969 – 15/1/2023)
The Rainbow Family - In loving memory of Sally Rainbow
The Rainbow Family - In loving memory of Hazel Rainbow-Hirst
Jennie Dolan - Wayne P Dolan, Never Forgotten
The Sinclair Family - In Memory of Annie Dove
The Sinclair Family - In Memory of Loved Ones
The Roscoe Family - In Loving Memory of Molly Harris & David Harris, Sadly Missed
The Wray Family - In Loving Memory of Elaine Wray
The Knowles Family - In Loving Memory of Elaine Knowles
Tracey Fascoine - In Loving Memory of Stephanie Hammill
Karen Pyrah and Frank Highley - In Loving Memory of Doreen Highley (9/8/1928 – 24/1/2023)
The Bichard Family - In Loving Memory of John Bichard
Stanley Residents Group - In Memory of Anne Wriglesworth. Friend and Volunteer who gave so much to Stanley
Donna Waud
Ken Banks
Councillor Matthew Morley
Notes for Sponsors
Sponsors are not listed in any particular order.
Businesses and Organisations
Please check your entry in the list and contact us if there are any errors or if you would prefer different details included. Businesses and Organisations can have address, phone number and one link (website or social media) included.
Individuals & Families
If you would like to change or add a few words to your listing here on this website in memory of your loved one please contact us.