A Little Giving has a
Big Impact
Stanley Residents' Group is always in need of volunteers to support our projects around the village. There are so many opportunities to help out, such as litter picks, gardening projects, helping at the Gala and many more! If you'd like to get involved or see if there's something that interests you, just contact us or come along to one of our meetings or activities as listed in the calendar.
You can also find other volunteering opportunities through these websites:
Volunteer Wakefield www.volunteerwakefield.org
Find a huge variety of volunteer roles working in loads of different contexts with all kinds of people across the district. Filter opportunities according to your own interests and time.
Current roles include administration, organisation, cooking, historical research, reading, cycling, supporting, helping out, event management, activity leaders with children and adults, Scouts and Girl Guide leaders, befriending, bereavement support.
Volunteer with Wakefield Council
A wide range of opportunities to volunteer in green spaces; Castles and Museums; as a School Governor; in libraries, youth work, befriending, events and lots of other areas!
NOVA Support for Volunteering Projects
Nova Wakefield District is the support agency for voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in the Wakefield District.
If you are seeking volunteers for a project, NOVA may be able to help. They also help train volunteers.
Doing Good Leeds
Supporting groups and organisations in local communities, of place and interest, to develop and achieve positive social change from within.
National volunteer opportunities where you can filter for interests and location.
Other ways to find volunteering opportunities
Government volunteer website: www.gov.uk/government/get-involved/take-part/volunteer
Job Seach websites often list volunteering roles, eg Indeed, Reed, Total Jobs.